Pitch: Christmas In Nantucket
HED Christmas in Nantucket: The Ideal J Term
SUB Josh Hogberg
HED Premise
To begin with, so many people hyperfocus on traveling the world or going to some exotic local to escape the mundanity of the American scene. Even if it’s still here, it has to be New York, LA, some hype, “cool” place, which I am not interested in. No, if I wanted to find inspiration, I’d organize a trip to a historical village along the North Atlantic Coast.
HED The Appeal
There is an untapped treasure trove of historical and cultural inspiration I believe is waiting to be discovered by traveling students. From journalists, to artists, to writers and so much more, this region has something which can inspire all of them, from its scenic landscapes, to its historical landmarks and architecture, to its food.
HED The Land
The North Atlantic Coast is home some of the most stunning landscapes that could rival the mythic west, be it sparkling streams rushing through forests or stony beaches staring out onto the frigid Atlantic sea. An artist or writer looking for inspiration could sit down for hours and map a work just around the view. And when dusk comes and stormclouds roll over the horison, they might find themselves indulging in more gothic sensibilities.
HED The Cuisine
This region holds great spins on simple, commonfolk dishes, be it beans, chowder, beef, lobster and even pastries, if the Cream Pie is any indication. It also has the benefit of being a pescatarian’s paradise. A cooking student tired of the high brow view of fine dining, or even just overused regional and city staples, could come to this country to find new spins on old ideas.
HED The History and Culture
There is the obvious Revolutionary aspect that many will jump to, but this is mainly limited to the cities, such as Boston and New York. Meanwhile, on the coast one can learn about the long and proud maritime traditions of the region and how the sailors of these coastal abodes came to dominate the world’s seas. Those interested in indigenous histories can also learn an underexplored aspect of a people largely defined by the tribes of the great plains after colonization. Plus, if they really want to, they can take a trip to Nantucket and tour a whaler’s mansion.
HED The Folklore
Finally, for those of the more spooky inclination, this coastal landscape has its own share of stories to tell, from the indigenous to the gothic. Once again, curious cultural studiers might be intrigued to research a native folklore too long defined by a maladapted “Wendigo”, or perhaps look into the crazed phenomina that was the New England Vampire Panic. There is a great horror well here waiting to be dug, for the blood to flood upwards and soar.
HED Thank You
Thank you very much for your time. Have a good day.